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Avtor Sporočilo

<  Matematično  ~  kako določiti konstanto v formuli

Objavljeno: 22 Sep 2010 23:08 Odgovori s citatom
Pridružen/-a: 22.09. 2010, 23:04 Prispevkov: 1

upam da se na pravi forum obracam, ce ne me pa vsaj prav usmerite.

Zanima me kako v spodnji formuli določit konstanto (delam neko analizo in imam podatke za vstavit ne vem pa kako se določa konstanta na osnovi spodnje razlage, ker ne razumem najbolj pomena konstant oziroma si predstavljam vendar ne znam tega nastavit) pravzaprav ne vem kako bi lahko dosegla da so rezultati med 0 in 100 s tem da uporabim primerno konstanto s primernim predznakom, kako to dolocit???

Power Distance Index (PDI)
Power Distance is defined as the extent to which the less powerful members of institutions and organizations within a society expect and accept that power is distributed unequally.

The index formula is

PDI = 35(m07 – m02) + 25(m23 – m26) + C(pd)

in which m02 is the mean score for question 02, etc.
The index normally has a range of about 100 points between very small Power Distance and very large Power Distance countries. C(pd) is a constant (positive or negative) that depends on the nature of the samples; it does not affect the comparison between countries. It can be chosen by the user to shift her/his PDI scores to values between 0 and 100.
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